Did my own Ba, in the prosecution of her studies, get to a book
on the forb .. no, unforbidden shelf—wherein Voltaire pleases to say that
'si Dieu n’existait pas, il faudrait l’inventer [If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him]'?– I
feel, after reading these letters, .. as ordinarily after seeing you, sweetest,
or hearing from you .. that if marriage did not exist, I should
infallibly invent it. I should say, no words, no feelings even, do
justice to the whole conviction and religion of my soul—and tho’ they may
be suffered to represent some one minute’s phase of it, yet, in their very
fulness and passion they do injustice to the unrepresented, other
minute’s, depth and breadth of love .. which let my whole life (I would say)
be devoted to telling and proving and exemplifying, if not in one, then in
another way—let me have the plain palpable power of this,—the assured time for
this .. something of the satisfaction .. (but for the fantasticalness of the
illustration) .. something like the earnest joy of some suitor in Chancery if he
could once get Lord Lyndhurst into a room with him,
and lock the door on them both, and know that his whole story must be
listened to now, and the 'rights of it',—dearest, the love unspoken now you are
to hear 'in all time of our tribulation, in all time of our wealth .. at the
hour of death, and'—
If I did not know this was so,—nothing would have been
said, or sought for—(your friendship, the perfect pride in it, the wish for, and
eager co-operation in, your welfare, all that is different, and, seen now,
I will care for it no more, dearest. I am wedded to you now– I
believe no human being could love you more—that thought consoles me for my own
imperfection—for when that does strike me, as so often it will,—I turn
round on my pursuing self, and ask—'What if it were a claim, then,—what
is in Her, demanded rationally, equitably, in return for what were in you—do you
like that way?'—and I do not, Ba—you, even, might not—when
people everyday buy improveable ground, and eligible sites for building, and
don’t want every inch filled up, covered over, done to their hands! So take me,
and make me what you can and will—and tho’ never to be more yours, yet
more like you, I may and must be– Yes, indeed .. best, only love!"
He does go on and on sometimes trying to find some indefinable proof of his love. He does this in his poems too, going at a subject again and again trying to squeeze a proof out of his mind and onto the paper. It works here, in this setting, for this audience however, because she enjoys puzzling out his meanings. His questioning if there is a claim on her may be an attempt to suss out if there is a claim on her or simply him going over and over in his mind all possible scenarios or a proof that he is not worthy of her. He is certainly a constant wooer.
He does go on and on sometimes trying to find some indefinable proof of his love. He does this in his poems too, going at a subject again and again trying to squeeze a proof out of his mind and onto the paper. It works here, in this setting, for this audience however, because she enjoys puzzling out his meanings. His questioning if there is a claim on her may be an attempt to suss out if there is a claim on her or simply him going over and over in his mind all possible scenarios or a proof that he is not worthy of her. He is certainly a constant wooer.
"And am I not grateful to your Sisters—entirely grateful for that
crowning comfort,—it is 'miraculous', too, if you please—for you shall
know me by finger-tip intelligence or any art magic of old or new times .. but
they do not see me, know me—and must moreover be jealous of you, chary of you,
as the daughters of Hesperus, of wonderers and wistful lookers up at the gold
apple—yet instead of 'rapidly levelling eager eyes'—they
are indulgent? Then .. shall I wish capriciously they were not your
sisters, not so near you, that there might be a kind of grace in loving them for
it? but what grace can there be when .. yes, I will tell you—no, I will
not—it is foolish—and it is not foolish in me to love the table and
chairs and vases in your room–"
The Hesperides were three nymphs who guarded the Garden of the Hesperides. Here is what Wikipedia say:
Here is a nice depiction of the three nymphs by Frederick, Lord Leighton called The Garden of the Hesperides. Note the Golden Apples in the tree. Imagine the three Barrett sisters lounging so.

But why does he see Miss Barrett's sisters as jealous of her? Perhaps just to fit his own myth.
The Hesperides were three nymphs who guarded the Garden of the Hesperides. Here is what Wikipedia say:
"The Garden of the Hesperides is Hera's
orchard in the west, where either a single tree or a grove of
immortality-giving golden apples grew. The apples were planted from the fruited
branches that Gaia gave to her as a wedding gift when Hera accepted Zeus. The
Hesperides were given the task of tending to the grove, but occasionally
plucked from it themselves. Not trusting them, Hera also placed in the garden a
never-sleeping, hundred-headed dragon named Ladon as an additional safeguard.
However, in the mythology surrounding the Judgement of Paris, the Goddess of
Discord Eris managed to enter the garden, pluck a golden apple, inscribe it
'To the most beautiful' (Ancient Greek: Kallistei) and roll it into
the wedding party (which she had not been invited to), in effect causing the Trojan
In the myth of Hercules, he was given the task of stealing the apples and he supposedly slew the dragon, Ladon, to steal the apples. Browning as Hercules? She probably thought so.
Here is a nice depiction of the three nymphs by Frederick, Lord Leighton called The Garden of the Hesperides. Note the Golden Apples in the tree. Imagine the three Barrett sisters lounging so.
But why does he see Miss Barrett's sisters as jealous of her? Perhaps just to fit his own myth.
"Let me finish writing to-morrow; it would not become me to utter
a word against the arrangement .. and Saturday promised, too—but though all
concludes against the early hour on Monday, yet—but this is wrong—on Tuesday it
shall be, then,—thank you, dearest! You let me keep up the old proper form, do
you not?– I shall continue to thank, and be gratified &c as if I had some
untouched fund of thanks at my disposal to cut a generous figure with on
occasion! And so, now, for your kind considerateness thank you .. that
I say, which God knows, could not say, if I died ten deaths in one to
do you good, 'you are repaid'–
To-morrow I will write, and answer more– I am pretty well—and
will go out to-day,—tonight. My Act is done, and copied—I will bring it. Do you
see the Athenæum? By Chorley surely—and
kind and satisfactory. I did not expect any notice for a long time—all that
about the 'mist', 'unchanged manner' and the like is politic concession to the
Powers that Be .. because he might tell me that and much more with his own lips
or unprofessional pen, and be thanked into the bargain—yet he does not– But I
fancy he saves me from a rougher hand—the long extracts answer every
Which just goes to show: there is what the writer thinks and there is what the writer says and there is what the writer writes.
Which just goes to show: there is what the writer thinks and there is what the writer says and there is what the writer writes.
"There is all to say yet—tomorrow!and ever, ever your own,—God bless you! RB
Admire the clean paper .. I did not notice that I have been
writing on a desk where a candle fell! See the bottoms of the other pages!"
Good grief! Ink blots and candle grease. Browning is such a man.
Good grief! Ink blots and candle grease. Browning is such a man.
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