Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 20, 1845

Browning sends a brief letter with the proof sheets for his "Bells and Pomegranates":

"Monday Mg

This arrived on Saturday night–I just correct it in time for this our first post—will it do, the new matter? I can take it to-morrow—when I am to see you—if you are able to glance thro’ it by then."
You know she will stay up all night going through them if she has to. It is like throwing meat to a starving lioness.

"The 'Inscription',—how does that read?"
The book is dedicated to Mr. Kenyon.

"—(There is strange temptation, by the way, in the space they please to leave for the presumeable 'motto'—'they but remind me of mine own conception' .. but one must give no clue, of a silk’s breadth, to the 'Bower,' yet– One day!)
—Which God send you, dearest, & your RB"
The presumption here is that Browning wanted to quote a line from Miss Barrett's "The Lost Bower" as the motto of the book, but decided that it would be imprudent. I suspect no one would have noticed or thought twice about it, but knowing her nervous disposition it was probably best just to let her know he wanted to and leave it at that.

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